April 13th Produce Box Pickup

Unfortunately, as the forecast may be calling for rain, please come prepared as shoppers may be asked to line-up outdoors at the front doors of the First Christian Reformed Church. 

As sustainability is one of our major goals at CCFN we encourage shoppers to bring their own reusable bag when picking up their produce order.

How our sliding scale payment works: The $10 box price is the wholesale price we pay for the food. However, we know that some of our shoppers cannot afford the $10 box price in these difficult times. A few generous supporters have made it possible that we are able to offer boxes at a subsidized price of $5. The $5 box price is for those of you who are struggling and cannot afford it otherwise. We are also offering some boxes for free. Please request a free box in the Order Request Form, if you cannot afford fresh veggies and fruit. We want to make sure we are able to support those in the community who wouldn’t otherwise have access to healthy food at this time. 

Thank you for all of your continued support and we hope to see you there!

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